Friday, January 21, 2011



The effing man.  LITERALLY built a museum for himself before he died.  (Fun fact, he died by getting hit by a car.)  Any who, today after a lovely stroll in our favorite market on las ramblas, taylor franzi and i ventured off to the gaudi park- park guell.


The views were amazing, the art was beautiful, and the architecture was absurdly unique, to say the least.

At the top, you can see the whole city.  This is me Franzi and Taylor thinking into the distance---

this is what people refer to as "visual poetry"

Then from the top, you start walking down huge windy paths, that eventually turn into either stairs or more of the path.  We're really smart so we walked UP the stairs and then down the path.  Obviously, here is a picture...

Franzi and Taylor above me on the path.  It is questionably handicap friendly.

The stairs/path lead down to this little cafe with a big plaza esq thing, with more beautiful views.
Here, you can sit in little nooks (see above DUH).  We got a guy to take this picture of us and then he asked us if we wanted a glass frog.  We said no.  The plaza is held up by 86 (i think) pillars.  Apparently they represent something? If you want to know, look it up, you clearly have internet access.  However if you just want to see a picture of Franzi hiding behind a pillar, look no further.

Finally, there are some mosaic things.  One is a lizard (Franzi has that pic), and then the others are seen below.


Franzi has more pics, and I will be adding them shortly, along with more words.  For now, please enjoy this artistic picture I took of us walking home at sunset.

Barcelona, Spain

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