Thursday, January 20, 2011

Two Weeks So Far

Today marks two weeks in Barcelona, Spain.  While that seems like no time at all, especially considering that I will be here until May, I feel like I've been here for much longer.  We have eaten Paella, gone to an F.C. Barcelona game (where Messi scored a hat trick!), went discotekking by the sea, and met many locals!

 Ellen and I eating Paella and drinking Sangria
 Some Barca boys!
  At the FC Barcelona match!

Best part about Spain thus far? -  FOOD. Paella, tapas, fresh markets...que delicioso!! So wonderful... Close runner up- Ciestas.  Everyday there is time set aside to nap.  How perfect does that sound? America needs to get on that, pronto.
 Fresh fruit at the market
Candy at the market...YUM

Worst part so far? - Other Americans in Spain.  I didn't fully understand why everyone hates on Americans until I got here and met other Americans spending time here. LOUD doesn't even begin to describe them...obnoxious is more like it!

Regardless, I have met some great American girls here, and we're excited to travel together.  First trip booked? MOROCCO!

From here on out, I promise to write way more often...especially since mis amigas will be traveling soon as well!

Barcelona, Spain

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